UIPAN 2017 / 0 Comments /Begins on 20 March 2017, lasts for a month and half and you can enroll until June 15.
The Second Edition of the Notarial Law Course starts for all companions around the world. It is sponsored by ELNOTARIADO.COM. It is addressed at assistants, officials and auxiliaries of notaries, notaries, lawyers, or advanced students in law.
The International Union of Notaries Professional Assistants (UIPAN) is an, non-profit international association created to facilitate the encounter between the hundreds of thousands of workers in the Notary world.
The course will be taught in distance mode and its cost will be 70 euros or 70 dollars, through the income account of UIPAN, after the graduation candidates will receive a Diploma with the Guarantee of the University Center CEDEU
In the middle of April / May, the course PRINCIPLES AND VALUES NOTARIAL PRACTICES IN THE NOTARIAL ACTION will begin, at the same minimum cost to cover logistics and teaching expenses.
As many interested parties were not able to do the first course of INTRODUCTION TO THE NOTARY LAW, which was given free to more than 300 people, UIPAN together with ELNOTARIADO.COM have agreed that those interested in attending this course and that of NOTARIAL PRINCIPLES AND VALUES, will only pay for both courses the total sum of 100 euros / dollars
AGENDA: Concept of Notarial Law. Purpose and foundation. Content and importance of Notarial Law. Systems of organization of Notaries in the world. The notarial system of Latin type. The Anglo-Saxon or common law notary system. The Latin-type Notary. Historical notes. Access to the profession. The notarial function. Concept. Legal nature of the notarial function. Theories.
This course is part of the 5 modules that comprise the university degree of PROFESSIONAL TECHNICIAN IN NOTARY RIGHT that will certify Rey Juan Carlos University to those who exceed the five courses projected.
Εnrollments:: formacion.uipan@gmail.com