The president of the council of notaries of Europe receives UIPAN members
UIPAN 2017 / 0 Comments /On 6 June, a meeting with President Marius Kohler and Secretary General Raul Radoi, the heads of the Council of Notaries of Europe (CNUE), took place in Brussels, with the President and Member of the Council, of the Professional International Union of Auxiliaries of Notaries (UIPAN), Juan Carlos Martínez Ortega and Anne Malleu, of Spain and Greece, accompanied by the Belgian, María Rosa Crespo.
The meeting took place in a climate of cordiality and mutual understanding, evidencing that from different positions, both organizations have a common objective: the strengthening of the notarial institution.
We express to the President Mr. Kohler, our concern for the people who disembark in the Notarial Offices to work, indicating that they have to gather, not only technical and legal requirements, but also values and principles that facilitate the work of legal security that the Notary
It is necessary more than ever the formation of all the human team that forms the structure of the Notary, and that happens, irremediably, by current legal and technological instruction. Continuous training is required to meet the new challenges of our globalized world.
Our representatives delivered the members of CNUE a dossier with our objectives, corporate and training projects.
We explain that CNUE needs UIPAN and vice versa. The European Notary is not limited to a group of legal elite made up of 40,000 Notaries, but, at their side and under their direction, there are more than 200,000 professionals who contribute to the maintenance of the institution.
Together we are more.
We hope that this meeting will involve a greater involvement of CNUE in the training of Notarial workers and that, in a clear and generous manner, they will support financially and corporately all the projects of UIPAN, the World Association of Auxiliaries of Notaries.