UIPAN 2017 / 0 Comments /The course begins on September 19, 2016.
Course for assistants, official and auxiliary of Offices of a Notary, Notaries, Attorneys, or students advanced in Law.
The International Union of Notaries Professional Assistants – UIPAN, is an association of international character, in order to communicate to all Notary employees of the world.
The purpose of this course is to give knowledge theoretical and necessary for work in Notarial, Juridical Studies and Legal Departments of all kinds of Companies and Organizations.
Concept of the Notarial Law. Object and foundation. Content and importance of the Notarial Law. Systems of organization of the Notariado in the world. The notarial system of Latin type. The notarial Anglo-Saxon system or of common law. The system of judicial civil servants. The Notariado Soviético. The Notary of Latin type. Historical notes. I access to the profession. The notarial function. Concept. Juridical nature of the notarial function.
Place limited. Inscription is necessary. Free access. Spanish language. Distance course.
REQUIREMENTS: basic know of PC.
INSCRIPTIONS: formacion.uipan@gmail.com
Necessary information:
1. Name and surname
2. E-mail
3. Country
4. Profession
This course is organized by UIPAN – International Professional Union of You Will help of the Notariado
Auspicia: ElNotariado.com
MORE INFORMATION HERE: https://prezi.com/xks0mtowbdjp