Meeting CNUE and UIPAN
UIPAN 2017 / 0 Comments /On 22 September in Madrid, in the General Council of Notaries, there was a meeting
between, José Manuel García Collantes, vice President of the CNUE (Council of
Notaries of the European Union), Juan Carlos Martínez Ortega, President of UIPAN
and Alberto Lopez de la Vega, secretary of UIPAN.
The meeting took place in a climate of respect and cordiality, where he spoke of
projects and objectives UIPAN, and collaboration that both organizations can dispense
each other. In the world there are approximately 200,000 Notaries and Notarial
auxiliary 800,000, representing a real legal army.
Among other issues, the President of UIPAN reported Jose Manuel García Collantes
success of the first course «Introduction to the Notarial Law» being taught more than
320 professionals from 24 countries (three continents) which has the support of
ElNotario. Collantes was aware of course that has received several calls from
The CNUE and UIPAN expressed their desire to work together in order to strengthen
the Notarial institution and provide better service quality and legal certainty to citizens.