
International Union of Notaries Professional Assistants

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Seminar of open doors for the training of teachers of the UIPAN International School


It will take place in Halls of SOCIAL ABANCA (formerly Caixanova), in the central Plaza de Cervantes, numbers 17-18, of Santiago de Compostela, on October 7, to whose international meeting are invited all employees of Notaries , after registration in the Secretariat of UIPAN. Free entrance.


9:45 h. The event will be moderated by Juan Carlos Martínez and Dina Nicosia.

10:00 h. Welcome act.
Juan Carlos Rodicio Rodicio. Vocal of Uipan.

10:10h.  Presentation of the International Professional School of UIPAN.
Juan Carlos Martínez Ortega – President of UIPAN.

10:30 h. “Training? Yes thanks!
Dina Nicosia. Vicepresident of UIPAN.

10:50 h.  The professional training of Notary employees is fundamental for their future
Gabriele Rossetti. Vocal of UIPAN and President of UNIC@.

11:10 h.  How to face the challenge of teaching. Your first time. Juan Candela Cerdán.
Training consultant of FEAPEN.

11:30 h. – Coffee break

11:50 h. Teaching closeness is the key to success in learning.
Ángel Bautista Mesa.Training consultant of FEAPEN.

12:10 h. The preparation of tutorials vital piece to convey information.
Anne Malleu. Vocal of UIPAN.

12:30 h. Pedagogical guidelines to be effective in training courses.
Juan Carlos Martínez Ortega. College professor

12:50 h. Closing of the act.
Dina Nicosia. Vicepresident de UIPAN.
