Seminar of open doors for the training of teachers of the UIPAN International School
UIPAN / 0 Comments /It will take place in Halls of SOCIAL ABANCA (formerly Caixanova), in the central Plaza de Cervantes, numbers 17-18, of Santiago de Compostela, on October 7, to whose international meeting are invited all employees of Notaries , after registration in the Secretariat of UIPAN. Free entrance.
9:45 h. The event will be moderated by Juan Carlos Martínez and Dina Nicosia.
10:00 h. Welcome act.
Juan Carlos Rodicio Rodicio. Vocal of Uipan.
10:10h. Presentation of the International Professional School of UIPAN.
Juan Carlos Martínez Ortega – President of UIPAN.
10:30 h. “Training? Yes thanks!
Dina Nicosia. Vicepresident of UIPAN.
10:50 h. The professional training of Notary employees is fundamental for their future
Gabriele Rossetti. Vocal of UIPAN and President of UNIC@.
11:10 h. How to face the challenge of teaching. Your first time. Juan Candela Cerdán.
Training consultant of FEAPEN.
11:30 h. – Coffee break
11:50 h. Teaching closeness is the key to success in learning.
Ángel Bautista Mesa.Training consultant of FEAPEN.
12:10 h. The preparation of tutorials vital piece to convey information.
Anne Malleu. Vocal of UIPAN.
12:30 h. Pedagogical guidelines to be effective in training courses.
Juan Carlos Martínez Ortega. College professor
12:50 h. Closing of the act.
Dina Nicosia. Vicepresident de UIPAN.