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The spanish Notary José Marqueño de Llano Elected President of the International Union of Latin Notaries (UINL)



José Marqueño de Llano has been elected president of the International Union of Notaries (UINL) in the first round and by absolute majority. Marqueño be president of UINL during the next three years (2017-2019) to replace Daniel-Sedar Senghor of Senegal.


The program I have presented, Marqueño explains, «is the result of a collective reflection of Spanish Notaries, since this international president will face as a team. Although the Spanish Notariado has always been heavily involved in the work of the UINL, we considered that this was the ideal time to take a step forward and intensify our service commitment and support to the Union and to all notaries who compose moment”.

«In recent years, Spanish notaries have assumed new responsibilities and we have recognized our role as a public authority» says José Marqueño.

«It has also increased cooperation with public authorities, as in the fight against money laundering and tax fraud, with international recognition, in addition, we have experienced a cutting-edge technological development. European and transatlantic vocation of Spanish Notaries is now an important asset that can serve as a gauge of efforts and projects between Europe and America. In this regard we consider priority share and expand this experience with notariats Africa and Asia. We must know to show something that is a reality that the notarial system is as efficient as more and not more economically «.

Among the objectives of the new president include notarial enhance the presence as a guarantee of the fundamental rights of citizens; transmit to society the values of Notaries; expand the functions of notaries for the benefit of citizens and defend the notarial document, promoting its recognition as a thing of the system of global preventive legal certainty, in view of their social purpose.


For the purpose, the UINL take action to enhance the participation of world Notariado before national and international organizations to publicize the potential of the notarial system; promote dialogue and exchange between the different legal systems of cooperation; collaboration with public administrations and the judiciary of the Member States notarized; preventive systems design reprehensible acts; promote activities for continuous training of notaries of the 86 member countries and boost technology and the digital environment in all Notariats.


The new president is known by the Spanish members of UIPAN, by President, Juan Carlos Martinez and vocal, Juan Carlos Rodicio. For this reason, we hope that in the coming years we can enhance professional cooperation between notaries and notarial assistants in all fields.

Congratulations President
