Dina Nicosia, a new vice president of UIPAN
UIPAN 2017 / 0 Comments /Dina Nicosia was already a member of the Board of Directors of UIPAN. Now, unanimously by the Board of Directors of UIPAN, is the new vice president. Dina is Italian and in the past has been on the Board of Directors of the Italian Association UNIC@ and in the association CPNUE.
Dina is a great professional, kind, intelligent who will make UIPAN continue to grow and be an important association.
Congratulations Dina
Maurizia Bertoncino, Public Notary
UIPAN 2017 / 0 Comments /Our dear Maurizia, vice president of UIPAN, has passed the notary examination. This gives prestige to UIPAN and the auxiliaries of notaries.
UIPAN has great jurists with desire to work for the notarial institution.
Maurizia is an intelligent, committed and fraternal person. Maurizia’s name will always be in the heart of UIPAN, she has greatly helped the profession of notary employee but now, she must work as a notary. For this reason, Maurizia leaves the vice-presidency of UIPAN and is given to Dina Nicosia, Italian companion.
Maurizia, as a notary, will help UIPAN and advise along with other notaries.
Good luck Notary
The spanish Notary José Marqueño de Llano Elected President of the International Union of Latin Notaries (UINL)
UIPAN 2017 / 0 Comments /
José Marqueño de Llano has been elected president of the International Union of Notaries (UINL) in the first round and by absolute majority. Marqueño be president of UINL during the next three years (2017-2019) to replace Daniel-Sedar Senghor of Senegal.
The program I have presented, Marqueño explains, «is the result of a collective reflection of Spanish Notaries, since this international president will face as a team. Although the Spanish Notariado has always been heavily involved in the work of the UINL, we considered that this was the ideal time to take a step forward and intensify our service commitment and support to the Union and to all notaries who compose moment”.
«In recent years, Spanish notaries have assumed new responsibilities and we have recognized our role as a public authority» says José Marqueño.
«It has also increased cooperation with public authorities, as in the fight against money laundering and tax fraud, with international recognition, in addition, we have experienced a cutting-edge technological development. European and transatlantic vocation of Spanish Notaries is now an important asset that can serve as a gauge of efforts and projects between Europe and America. In this regard we consider priority share and expand this experience with notariats Africa and Asia. We must know to show something that is a reality that the notarial system is as efficient as more and not more economically «.
Among the objectives of the new president include notarial enhance the presence as a guarantee of the fundamental rights of citizens; transmit to society the values of Notaries; expand the functions of notaries for the benefit of citizens and defend the notarial document, promoting its recognition as a thing of the system of global preventive legal certainty, in view of their social purpose.
For the purpose, the UINL take action to enhance the participation of world Notariado before national and international organizations to publicize the potential of the notarial system; promote dialogue and exchange between the different legal systems of cooperation; collaboration with public administrations and the judiciary of the Member States notarized; preventive systems design reprehensible acts; promote activities for continuous training of notaries of the 86 member countries and boost technology and the digital environment in all Notariats.
The new president is known by the Spanish members of UIPAN, by President, Juan Carlos Martinez and vocal, Juan Carlos Rodicio. For this reason, we hope that in the coming years we can enhance professional cooperation between notaries and notarial assistants in all fields.
Congratulations President
The role of the notary in the globalized world
UIPAN 2017 / 0 Comments /2016
Meeting CNUE and UIPAN
UIPAN 2017 / 0 Comments /2016
UIPAN 2017 / 0 Comments /The course begins on September 19, 2016.
Course for assistants, official and auxiliary of Offices of a Notary, Notaries, Attorneys, or students advanced in Law.
The International Union of Notaries Professional Assistants – UIPAN, is an association of international character, in order to communicate to all Notary employees of the world.
The purpose of this course is to give knowledge theoretical and necessary for work in Notarial, Juridical Studies and Legal Departments of all kinds of Companies and Organizations.
Concept of the Notarial Law. Object and foundation. Content and importance of the Notarial Law. Systems of organization of the Notariado in the world. The notarial system of Latin type. The notarial Anglo-Saxon system or of common law. The system of judicial civil servants. The Notariado Soviético. The Notary of Latin type. Historical notes. I access to the profession. The notarial function. Concept. Juridical nature of the notarial function.
Place limited. Inscription is necessary. Free access. Spanish language. Distance course.
REQUIREMENTS: basic know of PC.
INSCRIPTIONS: formacion.uipan@gmail.com
Necessary information:
1. Name and surname
2. E-mail
3. Country
4. Profession
This course is organized by UIPAN – International Professional Union of You Will help of the Notariado
Auspicia: ElNotariado.com
MORE INFORMATION HERE: https://prezi.com/xks0mtowbdjp
Boletin UIPAN
UIPAN 2017 / 0 Comments /2016
UIPAN 2017 / 0 Comments /4ª Edition of the Congress of the Notaries of Europe October 2017 in Santiago de Compostela Spain.
This was decided by the General Assembly CNUE on 17 and 18 June in Zagreb, Croatia.
The Council of Notaries of the European Union, which is the body representing the notaries in the European institutions.
In Zagreg, capital of Croatia, on 17 and 18 June the General Assembly of CNUE held. A Croatian notary organized the conference on «Corporate law: how to help notaries legal certainty». The CNUE recalled the positive role of notaries in Europe in the area of company law.
During the Assembly important decisions were made. One of these decisions was to organize the 4ª edition of the Congress of the Notaries of Europe in Santiago de Compostela, Galicia, Spain. This Congress will be in October 2017.
This Congress will aim to analyze the civil and commercial law and make legislative proposals, European Commission. Two topics: the notary in the development of digital materials and the change company headquarters with in the European Union.
This conference will bring together notaries from all over Europe, politicians, businessmen, people from college and justice professionals. Everyone can share experiences.
UIPAN 2017 / 0 Comments /El pasado 11 de abril de 2016, tuvo lugar en el Palacio de Parcent del Ministerio de Justicia, un acto que puso de relieve la importancia que el Notariado tiene para la sociedad.
El ministro de Justicia en funciones, Rafael Catalá, condecoró a diversos profesionales del Notariado con la Orden de San Raimundo de Peñafort, una de las mayores distinciones en el ámbito de la Justicia, en un acto celebrado en el que se premiaron los servicios y la contribución al desarrollo y perfeccionamiento del Derecho de varios notarios y oficiales.
Desde su creación en 1944, la Orden de San Raimundo de Peñafort atiende a premiar el mérito a la Justicia y recompensar hechos distinguidos o servicios relevantes, de carácter civil, en el campo del Derecho, prestados en las profesiones jurídicas y administrativas comprendidas dentro de la jurisdicción del Ministerio de Justicia.
El acto, presidido por el ministro, reconoció la aportación de profesionales del notariado tanto en el ámbito académico y normativo como en el ejercicio de sus funciones de cara al ciudadano. Todos los intervinientes en el acto, desde el Director General de los Registros y del Notariado, pasando por la Notario de Madrid, Ana Fernández-Tresguerres como el propio Ministro, Rafael Catalá, destacaron la importancia de la actuación de los Notarios y de sus oficiales y equipo que posibilita la actuación tan eficaz y brillante del Notariado.
El ministro condecoró a los notarios Francisco Castro Lucini (a título póstumo) con la Gran Cruz de Honor de la Orden de San Raimundo de Peñafort –que fue recogida por su viuda Carmen Velarde-; Ana Fernández-Tresguerres, Isidoro Calvo, Antonio Francés y Ángel Serrano (los cuatro, con la Cruz Distinguida de 1ª Clase) así como a los oficiales de notaría Juan Carlos Martínez Ortega (Cruz Distinguida de 2ª Clase) y Joaquín García Vázquez y Francisco Herrera Montoro (ambos con la Medalla de Plata del Mérito a la Justicia).
La ceremonia contó con la presencia de la secretaria de Estado de Justicia, Carmen Sánchez-Cortés; la subsecretaria de Justicia, Áurea Roldán; el director general de los Registros y del Notariado, Francisco Javier Gómez Gálligo; y el presidente del Consejo General del Notariado, José Manuel García Collantes.
Del acto tan emotivo y con una gran afluencia de público han dado eco diversos diarios y portales de internet.
Desde luego, se recordará en el tiempo una ceremonia tan positiva donde juntos Notarios y oficiales vieron reconocida públicamente su magnífica labor a favor de la ciudadanía.