UIPAN 2017 / 0 Comments /This course starts on 3 May 2017 and its duration is one month and half, enrollments are until June 15, in this first edition.
This training program is sponsored by ELNOTARIADO.COM. It is directed at assistants, officials and auxiliaries of notaries, notaries, lawyers, or advanced students in law.
The International Union of Professionals of Notaries (UIPAN), is an international, non-profit association, created to facilitate the meeting among the hundreds of thousands of workers in the notary world.
The course will be taught in distance mode and its cost, in order to cover logistical expenses, will be 70 euros or 70 dollars, by deposit in the UIPAN account. After the passing the courses the candidate will receive a Diploma with the Guarantee of the University Center CEDEU.
As many interested persons were not able to do the first course of INTRODUCTION TO THE NOTARY RIGHT, which was given free to more than 300 people, UIPAN together with ELNOTARIADO.COM have agreed that those who are interested in attending this course and the PRACTICAL APPLICATION OF THE NOTARY PRINCIPLES, will only pay for the two courses the total sum of 100 euros / dollars.
This course is part of 5 modules that consists the university degree of PROFESSIONAL TECHNICIAN IN NOTARY RIGHT certified by Rey Juan Carlos University, to those who pass the five courses projected.
Do not miss this opportunity to continue your legal and academic training.
ENROLLMENTS: formacion.uipan@gmail.com
UIPAN 2017 / 0 Comments /Begins on 20 March 2017, lasts for a month and half and you can enroll until June 15.
The Second Edition of the Notarial Law Course starts for all companions around the world. It is sponsored by ELNOTARIADO.COM. It is addressed at assistants, officials and auxiliaries of notaries, notaries, lawyers, or advanced students in law.
The International Union of Notaries Professional Assistants (UIPAN) is an, non-profit international association created to facilitate the encounter between the hundreds of thousands of workers in the Notary world.
The course will be taught in distance mode and its cost will be 70 euros or 70 dollars, through the income account of UIPAN, after the graduation candidates will receive a Diploma with the Guarantee of the University Center CEDEU
In the middle of April / May, the course PRINCIPLES AND VALUES NOTARIAL PRACTICES IN THE NOTARIAL ACTION will begin, at the same minimum cost to cover logistics and teaching expenses.
As many interested parties were not able to do the first course of INTRODUCTION TO THE NOTARY LAW, which was given free to more than 300 people, UIPAN together with ELNOTARIADO.COM have agreed that those interested in attending this course and that of NOTARIAL PRINCIPLES AND VALUES, will only pay for both courses the total sum of 100 euros / dollars
AGENDA: Concept of Notarial Law. Purpose and foundation. Content and importance of Notarial Law. Systems of organization of Notaries in the world. The notarial system of Latin type. The Anglo-Saxon or common law notary system. The Latin-type Notary. Historical notes. Access to the profession. The notarial function. Concept. Legal nature of the notarial function. Theories.
This course is part of the 5 modules that comprise the university degree of PROFESSIONAL TECHNICIAN IN NOTARY RIGHT that will certify Rey Juan Carlos University to those who exceed the five courses projected.
Εnrollments:: formacion.uipan@gmail.com
UIPAN 2017 / 0 Comments /Last Thursday 23th of February, the association of UIPAN ( International Union of Notaries Professional Assistants) has signed a collaboration agreement with CEDEU (center for University studies) attached to the public university Rey Juan Carlos.
The agreement has been signed by the director of CEDEU, Alfonso Cebrián Díaz and the president of UIPAN, Juan Carlos Martínez Ortega.
By virtue of this agreement, CEDEU will offer logistical and training support for all the courses in the field of Law and Notary Law dispensed by UIPAN, certifying some courses among them those dispensed through the Platform of ELNOTARIADO.COM. This academic contribution will provide the certain courses with strong university support.
UIPAN intends at the end of April or the beginning of May to start two distance learning courses supported by CEDEU:
- Introduction to Notarial Law
- Practical principles and values in the performance of notary auxiliaries
In addition, they will plan courses of Postgraduate for Notaries Assistants, which are estimated at more than 800,000 professionals worldwide.
Moreover, with this course, UIPAN affiliates will be able to access university higher education at very suitable prices and convenient for the members, including university degrees. Do not forget that the public University Rey Juan Carlos is among the top 10 universities in Spain.
Boletin UIPAN
UIPAN 2017 / 0 Comments /2017
It is a pleasure to find out about the Edition III, of the University Course of «EXTRAJUDICIAL AND NOTARIAL RIGHT «, which thanks to the initiative and impulse of FEAPEN and ELNOTARIO.COM, will begin on February 1, 2017.
The Course will be given in virtual modality in one of the best public Spanish Universities, the UNIVERSITY PABLO DE OLAVIDE of Sevilla, where already it is publicized and they can become the preinscripciones:
We are before a University Course without competition in this matter, both for the subject matter and for the Teachers of the same one.
We have treated of that the cost of the matriculation is within reach of all the employees of Offices of a notary and professionals of the Law. The Rates of Matriculation ascend only to FIVE HUNDRED EUROS (500 €), and in addition, the overcoming of the Course carries the obtaining of 40 credits ECTS.
The duration of the course is 300 virtual hours of teaching, which they will develop for 6 months, from February 1 to July 31, 2017.
The present course this one directed all the professionals of the Law who want to study the extrajudicial and notarial right, specially for attorneys used of offices of a notary and records.
Pupils of juridical areas, Graduated in Law and other juridical careers.
He is not a necessary being graduated in Law providing that professional experience justifies itself in the matter object of the course, thanks to FEAPEN’s negotiation to make possible the access to officials of Offices of a notary and Not pedantic Records. Also will be admitted those professionals who should want to obtain the capacities and specific and general competitions that the Course offers.
Anne Melleu, a new vocal of UIPAN
UIPAN 2017 / 0 Comments /As Maurizia Bertoncini leaves UIPAN and as the Statutes indicate, Anne Melleu will be the new vocal of the Board of Directors of UIPAN.
Anne is a great professional who will help UIPAN to grow. She is a journalist and a notary’s assistant. She speaks three languages (Greek, English and Spanish). UIPAN with Anne adds Greece to the Board.
Welcome Anne
Dina Nicosia, a new vice president of UIPAN
UIPAN 2017 / 0 Comments /Dina Nicosia was already a member of the Board of Directors of UIPAN. Now, unanimously by the Board of Directors of UIPAN, is the new vice president. Dina is Italian and in the past has been on the Board of Directors of the Italian Association UNIC@ and in the association CPNUE.
Dina is a great professional, kind, intelligent who will make UIPAN continue to grow and be an important association.
Congratulations Dina
Maurizia Bertoncino, Public Notary
UIPAN 2017 / 0 Comments /Our dear Maurizia, vice president of UIPAN, has passed the notary examination. This gives prestige to UIPAN and the auxiliaries of notaries.
UIPAN has great jurists with desire to work for the notarial institution.
Maurizia is an intelligent, committed and fraternal person. Maurizia’s name will always be in the heart of UIPAN, she has greatly helped the profession of notary employee but now, she must work as a notary. For this reason, Maurizia leaves the vice-presidency of UIPAN and is given to Dina Nicosia, Italian companion.
Maurizia, as a notary, will help UIPAN and advise along with other notaries.
Good luck Notary
The spanish Notary José Marqueño de Llano Elected President of the International Union of Latin Notaries (UINL)
UIPAN 2017 / 0 Comments /
José Marqueño de Llano has been elected president of the International Union of Notaries (UINL) in the first round and by absolute majority. Marqueño be president of UINL during the next three years (2017-2019) to replace Daniel-Sedar Senghor of Senegal.
The program I have presented, Marqueño explains, «is the result of a collective reflection of Spanish Notaries, since this international president will face as a team. Although the Spanish Notariado has always been heavily involved in the work of the UINL, we considered that this was the ideal time to take a step forward and intensify our service commitment and support to the Union and to all notaries who compose moment”.
«In recent years, Spanish notaries have assumed new responsibilities and we have recognized our role as a public authority» says José Marqueño.
«It has also increased cooperation with public authorities, as in the fight against money laundering and tax fraud, with international recognition, in addition, we have experienced a cutting-edge technological development. European and transatlantic vocation of Spanish Notaries is now an important asset that can serve as a gauge of efforts and projects between Europe and America. In this regard we consider priority share and expand this experience with notariats Africa and Asia. We must know to show something that is a reality that the notarial system is as efficient as more and not more economically «.
Among the objectives of the new president include notarial enhance the presence as a guarantee of the fundamental rights of citizens; transmit to society the values of Notaries; expand the functions of notaries for the benefit of citizens and defend the notarial document, promoting its recognition as a thing of the system of global preventive legal certainty, in view of their social purpose.
For the purpose, the UINL take action to enhance the participation of world Notariado before national and international organizations to publicize the potential of the notarial system; promote dialogue and exchange between the different legal systems of cooperation; collaboration with public administrations and the judiciary of the Member States notarized; preventive systems design reprehensible acts; promote activities for continuous training of notaries of the 86 member countries and boost technology and the digital environment in all Notariats.
The new president is known by the Spanish members of UIPAN, by President, Juan Carlos Martinez and vocal, Juan Carlos Rodicio. For this reason, we hope that in the coming years we can enhance professional cooperation between notaries and notarial assistants in all fields.
Congratulations President